
Welcome to the webshop of Moderne Kjøling AS

This webshop is open for orders from our domestic professional customers only. We do not export or sell to private persons.

Moderne Kjøling AS is a leading Norwegian wholesale company with 34 employees and an operating income of over NOK 155 million (approximately 16,6 million Euro) in 2015.

The company plays an important part in the business and is known for its wide span of products and its pleasant atmosphere. The variety of products in stock covers the neccessary components in most air conditioning and refrigerating applications. Moderne Kjøling AS has supplied Norwegian refrigeration entrepeneurs and producers of refrigeration equipment for over 70 years.

See also the page about Moderne Kjølings history.

Version: 2407-3.7.32. ©
Moderne Kjøling AS. All rights reserved.

Moderne Kjøling AS, avd. Trondheim | Nordslettvegen 4A, 7038 TRONDHEIM | Telefon - 73 82 47 50

Moderne Kjøling AS | Brobekkveien 90, 0582 OSLO | Foretaksregisteret - NO 914335299 MVA | Telefon - 22 08 78 00

Norsk Kjøleteknisk Forening Stiftelsen Returgass Foreningen for Ventilasjon, Kulde og Energi Norsk Varmepumpeforening RENAS Grønt Punkt Norge